Saturday, 5 May 2007

Five Annoying Things (on the way to work)

A quick one this, but a good one. A few things have annoyed me this week, so let's have them, but in no particular order:

  1. If you are driving on a dual carriageway, please do not drive at 40mph when there's nothing wrong with your car and there is no traffic in front of you. I don't care if you're only 17 or 75 - do that every day and I'll report you!
  2. There's a sliproad coming on to the carriageway that I drive along most mornings. Please don't just try to smash into other cars to get on there. It's far safer waiting for a gap.
  3. If you're in a fast car and your turn-off is coming up, please don't speed up to 100mph and then cross all lanes. This will, in turn, make everyone else cross.
  4. People, in general, seem to be safer drivers than the stuff I see on the way home. However, there is still the odd guy who will drive and block the shaded box-junction. Don't do this - you will cause an accident.
  5. The box junction as previously mentioned sometimes gets pretty hectic - with traffic really wanting to be all over the place. Please, please, be considerate. If waiting a few more seconds means the car in front gets safely clear, then do so.

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